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Construction Progress Update: June

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Oh my goodness we are halfway through 2023. Our team is working tirelessly to make sure all current tasks are completed as per scheduled before the long weekend of King’s birthday. Construction work at all sites is progressing as scheduled. We are confident that the estimated completion dates will be achievable.

Matipo Haven 

The Glade


ParkView Terraces

Matipo Haven on the roll!

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With the recent marketing launch of Matipo Haven, 28 units were sold. If you are interested and want to know more we encourage you to visit our website or talk to our friendly sales team now to secure a home in Matipo Haven.

Schnapper Rock is now completed!

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Let us take a moment to appreciate the recent photos of these newly-built homes. All 32 units in the Schnapper Rock development are completed as of last month. With this new accomplishment, Unispot has successfully delivered 216 beautiful homes to our customers!
Thank you to all the people that were involved in our 2-year journey. This wouldn’t be possible without the funder, consultants, architect, main contractors, sub-contractors, partners and many others’ hard work, teamwork and patience.

Construction Progress Update: May

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Here is this month’s construction progress of Matipo Haven, Larchwood, ParkView Terraces and The Glade. Construction work at all sites is progressing as scheduled. We are confident that the estimated completion dates will be achievable.

Matipo Haven 

The Glade


ParkView Terraces

Schnapper Rock ALL Blocks CCC have passed!

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Keep the good energy flowing! With Schnapper Rock Block A CCC (Code Compliance Certificate) approved, now all Blocks (A-F) have passed. Also, settlement has officially begun this month and our new homeowners are slowly moving in one by one. Be patient it won’t be long till we will be done and dusted 🤩

Construction Progress Update: April

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Hey April, please don’t fool me! Times do fly by and our team is working hard to make the most of it because Easter long weekend is just around the corner. Construction work at all sites is progressing as scheduled. We are confident that the estimated completion dates will be achievable.

The Glade 

Parkview Terraces


Schnapper Rock

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0800 UNISPOT (0800 864 7768)

Suite 1, Level 3, 435 Khyber Pass Road, Newmarket, Auckland 1023

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